Eldad Nutakor
Founder, Oxegene Studios

Eldad is a creative strategist and overall curious cat. I am on a mission to help businesses and individuals gain clarity, discover their true advantage, and build viable solutions for the African continent. I have two strong opinions about Africa (as of 2024):

  1. More Africans need to pursue building utilitarian, cash-flowing businesses instead of moonshot, VC-backed ventures.
  2. We need more intentional education for existing businesses on how to build profitable businesses within the African context. This has the potential to create just as many opportunities as starting new ventures.

I am currently building Oxegene, a communications company. In the short term, we are helping businesses improve their reputation and grow their bottom line through strategic storytelling and various forms of communication design. In the medium term, we aim to build the largest alternative advertising network in Ghana, and in the long term, we aspire to be Africa's #1 creative and communications consultancy. I fundamentally believe that Africa has the resources and talent to be great; what’s missing is (native) visionaries who are willing to put in the work to see their visions for the continent come to life. I aim to be one of those visionaries.